Three people in discussion

Division of Occupational Psychology

The Division of Occupational Psychology exists to promote the professional interests of occupational psychologists and to support the development of psychology both as a profession and as a body of knowledge and skills.

Our mission

The Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) promotes the professional interests of occupational psychologists and those in training in the United Kingdom (UK).

It provides a home, a champion, a source of support and development for occupational psychologists and trainee occupational psychologists (TOPs).

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Division of Occupational Psychology

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The DOP newsletter

Our monthly newsletter is exclusively for members of the Division of Occupational Psychology.

There's information on events and courses, the latest news from the sector, the latest member benefits, and updates from the DOP and the BPS.

To ensure you receive the email, make sure you are opted in via your portal account - select the preferences tile and tick the 'please send me information by email' box.

Division of Occupational Psychology

For our members

Two people write on a whiteboard.
Division of Occupational Psychology

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Ongoing areas of work for the division

Research and public policy


  • Active representation at and engagement with BPS Research Board
  • Active engagement with BPS Public Affairs. Identification and follow-up of opportunities to influence public policy

Professional development


  • Identifying, supporting, promoting and delivering activities and products relating to on-going CPD requirements for professional registration (e.g., safeguarding, supervision, mentoring, etc)

Career development


  • Identifying, supporting, promoting and delivering activities and products relating to on-going career development post-qualification

Education, training, and trainees


  • Identifying, responding to needs and opportunities across the educational spectrum
  • Participating in stakeholder activities within the BPS
  • Supporting activity in relation to QOP stage 1 and stage 2


Supports delivery of objectives for all of the above and includes:

  • DOP Webinar Programme
  • Conference Provision
  • Collaborations
  • Other event opportunities
Division of Occupational Psychology


Division of Occupational Psychology


Division of Occupational Psychology




Engage and change: occupational psychologists facilitating corporate responsibility

This report sets out the findings from our survey and a framework for applying psychology to CR. It pulls together examples of models, theories and practice to apply to CR.

The report is designed to support CR and sustainability professionals and to promote the science and practice of OPs. The focus is therefore on sharing ideas and information of relevance to professionals in any sector, demonstrating the work that OPs do to enable organisations to develop.

By doing this we aim to help professionals identify priorities, establish common principles and approaches and identify opportunities for specific, crosscutting or systems-based solutions, based on the evidence base of behavioural research and insight.

Going Green: The Psychology of Sustainability in the Workplace

This report draws together a range of research and case studies which were developed as part of the British Psychological Society’s Division of Occupational Psychology Going Green Symposium held in London in 2010.

Its aim is to provide an illustration of the important contribution that the field of work and organisational psychology can make to understanding and promoting green behaviour in the workplace.

This first introductory chapter outlines what is in the other chapters, reflecting on their key messages and summarising some of the issues which they individually and collectively raise.

The report contains a range of useful material for 'people specialists' in organisations, including a number of vignettes and case studies particularly aimed at practitioners, alongside the sorts of theoretical material and research results you would expect from the specialist area of occupational psychology which applies the science of psychology to the workplace.

Psychological assessment of adults with specific performance difficulties at work

These guidelines were developed in order to promote good practice in the psychological assessment of those individuals whose behaviour in the workplace reflects inconsistencies between what is expected of them and their performance.

That is, those who have dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADD/ADHD and ASD. They are sometimes referred to as being neuro-diverse, but more commonly as having specific learning difficulties.

In recognition of the fact that the concern here is with the workplace rather than educational settings, and that most will have learned differently but effectively, the term 'performance difficulties' is used.

Psychology of Health and Wellbeing

Download Information sheets on health and well-being in the workplace

This document is a series of information sheets designed to provide an introduction to the area of health and well-being at work from the perspective of Occupational Psychology.

It is aimed initially at an Occupational Psychology audience as a means of orienting fellow professionals to this domain of practice and research. 

Download the White Paper – Psychological well-being at work

This White Paper is intended to provide a succinct and a perspective on the role of psychological well-being at work, including an indication of the costs/benefits of psychological well-being and guidance on how to improve psychological well-being at work. 

The Design and Development of Assessment Centres Standard

This standard defines good practice and provides guidance on best practice in employing Assessment Centre methodology to deliver Assessment and Development Centres in work related contexts.

Good practice reflects a minimum acceptable standard of practice and is identified by 'shall' in the standard; best practice is an aspirational level of practice identified by 'should' in the standard.

Delivery of disability support assessments for adults during Covid-19 lockdown

This interim position paper covers the use of diagnostic testing for dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, non-verbal learning disabilities, processing speed/working memory deficit and applied (non-clinical) assessment of ADHD, during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Read the full paper on disability support assessments for adults during Covid-19 lockdown.

Wellbeing at work: a guide for occupational psychology practitioners

The purpose of this document is to provide a guide to good practice on how to develop and deliver comprehensive workplace health and wellbeing programmes.

Those in training to become occupational psychologists, newly qualified occupational psychologists; Experienced occupational psychologists who are new to the topic of wellbeing.

Download the wellbeing at work guide for occupational psychology practitioners.


Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

The Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the British Psychological Society.

Society Members can access all our current and archived BPS Journals (plus 32 Wiley-Blackwell publications) for free via PsychSource, and are able to subscribe to hard copies of the Journals.

Reports and papers

Access to Work: Support for Hidden Disabilities

This position has been produced by the Neurodiversity and Employment Working Group of the Division of Occupational Psychology.

The concerns and challenges of working in the field of occupational psychology

The purpose of this report is to provide evidence from members of the DOP and key individuals in the field around challenges and concerns they have working in the OP field both now and in the future.

The report also highlights suggested solutions by members to these challenges and concerns. It is the hope of this report that the presented findings will be used to develop key action points for each committee.


Occupational Psychology Outlook

Occupational Psychology Outlook (OPO) is a peer-reviewed publication of the Division of Occupational Psychology.

Access the latest issue

Table of content from this month's edition

Editorial: Andrew Clements

Message from the DOP Chair: Janet Fraser

BPS Covid response – the role of the DOP: David Murphy

BPS Impact of the pandemic on psychologists' wellbeing working group: Adrian Neal

Leading in the NHS during the Covid-19 pandemic: A leader-member exchange perspective: Sandie Buchan

Frontline employees are ready to accept smart energy-saving technologies, especially when they are engaged at work and when they are concerned about climate change: Daniel Jolles, Dawn Holford, Marie Juanchich, Kathryn Buchanan & Beatrice Piccoli

Making diversity work: Transforming assessment and selection to hire for

culture add, not culture fit: Lukas Wallrich

Police contact management and resolution: A call for help: Noreen Tehrani

Addressing the 'Great Resignation': Exploring the potential role of bottom-up

approaches to job design in healthcare settings: Anthony Thompson & Ella Hatton

Obituary - Peter Saville 1946-2022: Rab MacIver

OPO aims to:

  • provide a bridge between research and practice, bringing the two together in a single publication that contains research and conceptual papers, practitioner papers, review papers and a range of other content
  • cover the five subject domains of occupational psychology, as well as ethics and professional skills
  • highlight hot topics and trends
  • publish evidence of best practice and content that is relevant for learning, continuing development, and professional standards
  • enable new and established authors to publish, and generate opportunities for others as reviewers and editorial board members
  • publish content about careers and celebrate success, reporting noteworthy developments within the division and the profession
  • create space for opinion along with a right to reply from different perspectives

Find out more about Occupational Psychology Outlook.

Past publications

OP Matters

Download OP Matters

Work - Life Balance Bulletin

Download Work-Life Balance Bulletin


Occupational Psychology is the application of the science of psychology to work.

Occupational psychologists develop, apply and evaluate a range of tools and interventions across many different areas of the workplace, including:

  • Leadership, motivation and engagement
  • Learning, training and development
  • Psychological assessment
  • Wellbeing at work
  • Work design, organisational change and development

Occupational psychologists use psychological theories and approaches to deliver tangible benefits by enhancing the effectiveness of organisations and developing the performance, motivation and wellbeing of people in the workplace.

Download the Occupational Psychology Careers booklet

For more information email [email protected]

Qualification in Occupational Psychology (Stage 2)

The Qualification in Occupational Psychology (Stage 2) is the independent route to training as an occupational psychologist.

It enables you to undertake your training while you are working in the field and acquiring valuable practical experience in a range of settings.

Learn more about the qualification


The awards are intended to reflect the full range of experience within the Division of Occupational Psychology.

Our principle is that we are not seeking to recognise the best individual each year, but that we are recognising good to great practice within our professional community.

Please note that:

  • Candidates can be either an individual or a team
  • Candidates may be self-nominated or nominated by others
  • More than one award can be made in each category during a given year

Nominations should focus on a single coherent piece of work as a narrative, although this may draw from multiple projects, consultations, etc.

For example, a candidate might submit on the basis of an impactful approach to enhancing careers, even if the examples come from work with three different organisations.

Similarly, a candidate might submit on the basis of an important research project consisting of multiple studies.

In the case of student and early career candidates we would anticipate a single project, consultation etc. to be the basis.


Our current awards

Award for Excellence in Occupational Psychology – Student

Nominations are currently closed

Aimed at recognising students who have demonstrated excellence in their studies.

Student nominations can now be made simply by submitting a copy of their dissertation.

However, the portfolio should still be completed where the submission draws on aspects of their work outside the dissertation (e.g. engagement with industry, contribution to the learning community).

To encourage students to be part of the DOP Community this award is open to DOP members and non-members.


Nominations must include the following::

A summary – up to 500 words - of what was done, how it was done, and what the outcomes were.

Organisations or individuals involved must not be named unless the candidate has explicit permission.

Subsequent sections of the application will enable the candidate to present more detail and demonstrate how criteria are met (each section will correspond to one of the areas of criteria).

It should be clear who the beneficiaries are (these may be multiple, e.g., employees, organisations, local communities).

Say how the following criteria have been met:

  •   Rigour – up to 500 words
  •   Impact – up to 500 words
  •   Ethics – up to 500 words
  •   Originality/ innovation – up to 500 words

 An  Appendix with  supporting evidence, e.g., client testimonials, published reports, referee testimonials. These can be attached before submission.

Assessment criteria


This criterion reflects the extent to which the work demonstrates high standards in occupational psychology.

In practice or teaching this will reflect demonstrating evidence-based approaches to projects, systematic decisions to enhance outcomes, and (potentially) adjustments made to changing circumstances.

In research this will reflect methodological quality, including research design, data collection, and appropriate analysis.

In broader contributions to the community, this will provide a critical discussion of the approach taken, and what steps were taken to perform the task well.


This criterion focuses on the outcomes of the work.

Regardless of the candidate's background, areas to consider are:

  • knowledge (what of significance was learned?)
  • working lives (e.g. is wellbeing, performance, or career progression improved for individuals?)
  • organisational outcomes (e.g. productivity)
  • policy (e.g. has institutional – e.g. government – policy changed as a result of work, advice, etc. delivered by the candidate?)
  • the profession (e.g. has occupational psychology been promoted with stakeholders?)

Candidates may use multiple areas of impact but are encouraged to focus on those that they can demonstrate more clearly.


This criterion reflects the demonstration of ethical standards and professional values, as set out in BPS guidance.

Performance in this criterion is dependent on showing how issues were anticipated/ identified and managed, and how unanticipated ethical issues were identified.

Nominations must discuss ethical challenges (including potential) and how these were managed.

Stating that there were no ethical issues to be considered will attract a score of '0.'


This criterion reflects the extent to which the candidate has made a contribution to knowledge or practice.

This might include producing new knowledge (e.g., in research), applying an established method to a new context, developing a new kind of intervention, etc.

Candidates are encouraged to treat this criterion as flexible (it might apply to any aspect of the work) and to consider that all work is based on what has come before – and therefore originality is likely to be incremental.

Award for Excellence in Occupational Psychology – Early career

Nominations are currently closed

This category is aimed at recognising those who are new to occupational psychology (not necessarily early in the individual's career history).

This includes those who are engaged in doctoral level qualifications (such as a PhD or Stage 2) and those who are within five years of qualification (e.g. PhD or Chartership).

An award may be made based on evidence from research, practice, teaching or policy impact, or a combination of two or more of these.

Please note: to be eligible for nomination you must be a DOP member.


Nominations must include the following::

A summary – up to 500 words - of what was done, how it was done, and what the outcomes were.

Organisations or individuals involved must not be named unless the candidate has explicit permission.

Subsequent sections of the application will enable the candidate to present more detail and demonstrate how criteria are met (each section will correspond to one of the areas of criteria).

It should be clear who the beneficiaries are (these may be multiple, e.g., employees, organisations, local communities).

Say how the following criteria have been met:

  •   Rigour – up to 500 words
  •   Impact – up to 500 words
  •   Ethics – up to 500 words
  •   Originality/ innovation – up to 500 words

 An  Appendix with  supporting evidence, e.g., client testimonials, published reports, referee testimonials. These can be attached before submission.

Assessment criteria


This criterion reflects the extent to which the work demonstrates high standards in occupational psychology.

In practice or teaching this will reflect demonstrating evidence-based approaches to projects, systematic decisions to enhance outcomes, and (potentially) adjustments made to changing circumstances.

In research this will reflect methodological quality, including research design, data collection, and appropriate analysis.

In broader contributions to the community, this will provide a critical discussion of the approach taken, and what steps were taken to perform the task well.


This criterion focuses on the outcomes of the work.

Regardless of the candidate's background, areas to consider are:

  • knowledge (what of significance was learned?)
  • working lives (e.g. is wellbeing, performance, or career progression improved for individuals?)
  • organisational outcomes (e.g. productivity)
  • policy (e.g. has institutional – e.g. government – policy changed as a result of work, advice, etc. delivered by the candidate?)
  • the profession (e.g. has occupational psychology been promoted with stakeholders?)

Candidates may use multiple areas of impact but are encouraged to focus on those that they can demonstrate more clearly.


This criterion reflects the demonstration of ethical standards and professional values, as set out in BPS guidance.

Performance in this criterion is dependent on showing how issues were anticipated/ identified and managed, and how unanticipated ethical issues were identified.

Nominations must discuss ethical challenges (including potential) and how these were managed.

Stating that there were no ethical issues to be considered will attract a score of '0.'


This criterion reflects the extent to which the candidate has made a contribution to knowledge or practice.

This might include producing new knowledge (e.g., in research), applying an established method to a new context, developing a new kind of intervention, etc.

Candidates are encouraged to treat this criterion as flexible (it might apply to any aspect of the work) and to consider that all work is based on what has come before – and therefore originality is likely to be incremental.

Award for Excellence in Occupational Psychology – Experienced

Nominations are currently closed

This category is aimed at recognising those who are more established within their occupational psychology career, whether they are practitioners, academics, or a mix of the two.

An award may be made based on evidence from research, practice, teaching or policy impact, or a combination of two or more of these.

Please note: to be eligible for nomination you must be a DOP member.


Nominations must include the following::

A summary – up to 500 words - of what was done, how it was done, and what the outcomes were.

Organisations or individuals involved must not be named unless the candidate has explicit permission.

Subsequent sections of the application will enable the candidate to present more detail and demonstrate how criteria are met (each section will correspond to one of the areas of criteria).

It should be clear who the beneficiaries are (these may be multiple, e.g., employees, organisations, local communities).

Say how the following criteria have been met:

  •   Rigour – up to 500 words
  •   Impact – up to 500 words
  •   Ethics – up to 500 words
  •   Originality/ innovation – up to 500 words

 An  Appendix with  supporting evidence, e.g., client testimonials, published reports, referee testimonials. These can be attached before submission.

Assessment criteria


This criterion reflects the extent to which the work demonstrates high standards in occupational psychology.

In practice or teaching this will reflect demonstrating evidence-based approaches to projects, systematic decisions to enhance outcomes, and (potentially) adjustments made to changing circumstances.

In research this will reflect methodological quality, including research design, data collection, and appropriate analysis.

In broader contributions to the community, this will provide a critical discussion of the approach taken, and what steps were taken to perform the task well.


This criterion focuses on the outcomes of the work.

Regardless of the candidate's background, areas to consider are:

  • knowledge (what of significance was learned?)
  • working lives (e.g. is wellbeing, performance, or career progression improved for individuals?)
  • organisational outcomes (e.g. productivity)
  • policy (e.g. has institutional – e.g. government – policy changed as a result of work, advice, etc. delivered by the candidate?)
  • the profession (e.g. has occupational psychology been promoted with stakeholders?)

Candidates may use multiple areas of impact but are encouraged to focus on those that they can demonstrate more clearly.


This criterion reflects the demonstration of ethical standards and professional values, as set out in BPS guidance.

Performance in this criterion is dependent on showing how issues were anticipated/ identified and managed, and how unanticipated ethical issues were identified.

Nominations must discuss ethical challenges (including potential) and how these were managed.

Stating that there were no ethical issues to be considered will attract a score of '0.'


This criterion reflects the extent to which the candidate has made a contribution to knowledge or practice.

This might include producing new knowledge (e.g., in research), applying an established method to a new context, developing a new kind of intervention, etc.

Candidates are encouraged to treat this criterion as flexible (it might apply to any aspect of the work) and to consider that all work is based on what has come before – and therefore originality is likely to be incremental.

Award for Outstanding contribution to Occupational Psychology

Nominations are currently closed

This category is aimed at recognising those who have made a significant and  sustained contribution.

An award may be made based on evidence from research, practice, teaching or policy impact, or a combination of two or more of these. 

Please note: to recognise and celebrate outstanding contributions, this award is open to DOP members and non-members.


Nominations must include the following::

A summary – up to 500 words - of what was done, how it was done, and what the outcomes were.

Organisations or individuals involved must not be named unless the candidate has explicit permission.

Subsequent sections of the application will enable the candidate to present more detail and demonstrate how criteria are met (each section will correspond to one of the areas of criteria).

It should be clear who the beneficiaries are (these may be multiple, e.g., employees, organisations, local communities).

Say how the following criteria have been met:

  •   Rigour – up to 500 words
  •   Impact – up to 500 words
  •   Ethics – up to 500 words
  •   Originality/ innovation – up to 500 words

 An  Appendix with  supporting evidence, e.g., client testimonials, published reports, referee testimonials. These can be attached before submission.

Assessment criteria


This criterion reflects the extent to which the work demonstrates high standards in occupational psychology.

In practice or teaching this will reflect demonstrating evidence-based approaches to projects, systematic decisions to enhance outcomes, and (potentially) adjustments made to changing circumstances.

In research this will reflect methodological quality, including research design, data collection, and appropriate analysis.

In broader contributions to the community, this will provide a critical discussion of the approach taken, and what steps were taken to perform the task well.


This criterion focuses on the outcomes of the work.

Regardless of the candidate's background, areas to consider are:

  • knowledge (what of significance was learned?)
  • working lives (e.g. is wellbeing, performance, or career progression improved for individuals?)
  • organisational outcomes (e.g. productivity)
  • policy (e.g. has institutional – e.g. government – policy changed as a result of work, advice, etc. delivered by the candidate?)
  • the profession (e.g. has occupational psychology been promoted with stakeholders?)

Candidates may use multiple areas of impact but are encouraged to focus on those that they can demonstrate more clearly.


This criterion reflects the demonstration of ethical standards and professional values, as set out in BPS guidance.

Performance in this criterion is dependent on showing how issues were anticipated/ identified and managed, and how unanticipated ethical issues were identified.

Nominations must discuss ethical challenges (including potential) and how these were managed.

Stating that there were no ethical issues to be considered will attract a score of '0.'


This criterion reflects the extent to which the candidate has made a contribution to knowledge or practice.

This might include producing new knowledge (e.g., in research), applying an established method to a new context, developing a new kind of intervention, etc.

Candidates are encouraged to treat this criterion as flexible (it might apply to any aspect of the work) and to consider that all work is based on what has come before – and therefore originality is likely to be incremental.

DOP Applied Research Award

Deadline: 30 December 2024

The DOP, has agreed to promote relevant, innovative and applied research in the field of occupational psychology.


  • The applicant/s must be a full member of the DOP and must be a practising occupational/business psychologist.
  • The applicant/s should be able to demonstrate competencies in an area of applied research through the research proposal.
  • The research area identified must clearly relate sound psychological theory to a significant aspect of applied practice.
  • The research proposal must demonstrate direct potential benefit to the members of the DOP in their work with organisations and individuals in the workplace.
  • The research proposal must state explicitly the theoretical underpinnings of the work, the research questions and/or hypothesis under investigation and the methodology (including evaluation), with projected time-scale.
  • The research proposal must state explicitly related ethical considerations and must state where ethical clearance for the project will be received from.
  • In addition to research proposals that stand in their own right, consideration will also be given to proposals where a pilot piece of research would be DOP-sponsored but where there are indications of it leading to major research funding. Research that is a development of work undertaken as part of training would also be considered.
  • The application should provide an outline of research work that enhances the development of professional practice.


  • Total sponsorship is set at a maximum of £5,000 per annum, for 2023, and this could be spread across one or more projects.
  • Money will be paid retrospectively on submission of receipts. Submissions for reimbursements must be made within 18 months.
  • mid project report must be submitted to DOP outlining progress so far, major milestones achieved and updated information on budget expenses.
  • A final report must be submitted to the DOP at the end of the project within one year following the completion of the project.
  • Any publication or conference presentation which arises out of this work should acknowledge the funding provided by the DOP.

Application information

Applications should be organised into the following sections and submitted as one PDF file:

  • Title Page: This page should include the title of the study; the principal investigator/co-principal investigator(s), their affiliation(s), and contact information (email addresses, phone numbers).
  • Non-technical abstract (300 words): for the lay person outlining the aim of the research, proposed methodology, anticipated outcomes, and anticipated impact in the field of occupational psychology.
  • Scientific Rationale for Proposal (1000 words): Describe the main aims and research questions and/or hypotheses to be addressed, and the intended outcomes of the project.  Provide a short theoretical, empirical rationale for the proposed project. Describe the research design, participants, measures and/or variables, proposed data analyses and expected outcomes etc. A clear justification needs to be provided about the proposed research design and methods to be used. A section outlining the key ethical considerations of the project should be included.
  • Knowledge exchange (500 words): Describe any research activities (if applicable) that might bring together academics, users of research and wider groups and communities to exchange ideas, evidence and expertise.
  • Sustainable development goals (500 words): Briefly describe which SDGs (if applicable) the research is aligned with.
  • Impact (500 words): Specify possible short- and long-term impacts this research will have on occupational psychology research and practice.
  • Management Plan (300 words): Provide a management plan with a timeline,  person(s) responsible for the activities, key milestones for success in meeting project aims.
  • CVs: Brief curriculum vitae (up to 2 pages) for the principal investigator/co-investigator(s).
  • Budget: Provide detailed estimates of funds and what they will be used for
  • References: Include two references or letters of support.

The deadline for applications is 30 December 2024.

Submit your application now

Next steps

Final decisions about the allocation of funding will be communicated to applicants by 16 February 2025.

Successful applicants will be asked to present their work on the DOP annual conference and/ or publish their work via OPO. 

Funding is not available for direct contribution to any course fees, or for corporate bids.

Previous award winners

2023 award winners

  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology - Student
    • Kara Daly
    • Agata Dobrosielska
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology - Early career
    • Jemma Pomfrey
  • Excellence in occupational psychology - Experienced
    • Thomas Rhys Evans
  • Outstanding contribution to occupational psychology (Team)
    • Jo Yarker & Rachel Lewis

2019 award winners

  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Research Early Career (Head Judge – Dr Angela Carter)
    Winner: Dr Kevin Teoh
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Practice (Head Judge – Amanda Potter)
    Winner: Dr Hazel McLaughlin & Helen Ives, Second prize Deborah Tom
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Research (Head Judge – Professor Rob Briner)
    Winner: Rachel Lewis & Team (Christian Ferragamo, Jo Yarker, Kai Britt-Boschmann and Emma Donaldson-Feilder)
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Policy Impact (Head Judge – Nick Pahl)
    Winner: Dr Ashley Weinberg
  • Long-term Active Service Recognition (non-competitive)
    Karen Royle, Sharon De Mascia, Rob Goate and Carole Watling
  • Lifetime Contribution to Occupational Psychology (Head Judge – Dr Pat Lindley) 
    Winner:  Shelly Rubinstein
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Practice Team (Head Judge – Fiona Patterson)
    Winner: TMP Worldwide (Kate Bradley Team Lead – Dean Kempton, Rakhee Sudra, Kirsty Nolan and Susuana Laranjeiro)
  • Student Prizes for Excellence in Occupational Psychology (Head Judge – Dr Richard Kwiatkowski) 
    No prize awarded for 2019
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Practice Early Career (Head Judge – Angie Ingman)
    No nominations received for 2019

2018 award winners

  • Student Prizes for Excellence in Occupational Psychology (Head Judge – Dr Richard Kwiatkowski) 
    Winner: 1st place, Emily Kitson, 2nd place, Thomas Harding
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Practice Early Career (Head Judge – Julie Freeborn)
    Winner: Hoda Hussein
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Research Early Career (Head Judge – Dr Angela Carter)
    Winner: Dr Victoria Elsey
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Practice (Head Judge – Binna Kandola)
    Winner: Sophie Seex
    Shortlisted - Gail Steptoe-Warren, Professor Fiona Patterson
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Research (Head Judge – Professor Rob Briner)
    Winner: Dr Claire Hardy
  • Excellence in Occupational Psychology Policy Impact (Head Judge – Nick Pahl)
    Winner: Dr Nancy Doyle
  • Long-term Active Service (Head Judge – Nicola Gale)
    Winner: Kisane Prutton
  • Lifetime Contribution to Occupational Psychology (Head Judge – Dr Pat Lindley)
    Winner:  Dr Angela Carter

2017 award winners

Academic Contribution to Practice: Jonathan Passmore

Lifetime Achievement Award: No award

Practitioner of the Year Award: Antonia Dietman

Student Prizes for Excellence: Charlotte Hermans

Volunteer of the Year Award: No award

Previous award winners

Academic Contribution to Practice

2016: Dr Rachel Travers

2015: Professor David Guest

2014: Professor Rob Briner

2013: Professor Fiona Patterson

2011: Adrian Furnham

Lifetime achievement award

2016: Professor Victor Dulowicz

2015: Dr David Bartram

2014: Chris Lewis

2013: Professor Clive Fletcher

2012: Pat Lindley

2011: John Toplis

Practitioner of the year award

2016: Dr Balissa Greene

2015: Hannah Markson (nee Walker)

2014: Kate Firth

2013: Emma Donaldson-Feilder & Rachel Lewis

2012: Kate Bonsall-Clarke

2011: Laura Empey

2010: Ingrid Covington

Recognition of Excellence Award

2013: Nancy Dyle

2011: Vicki Ashworth

Student Prizes for Excellence

2016: Kathryn Pimblett / Nicola Paget / Rachel Driver

2015: Emma Donaldson-Fielder / Julie Jebson / Rachel Lewis

Volunteer of the Year Award

2016: Dr Almuth McDowell / Dr Gail Kinman / Jonathan Cox

2015: Dr Almuth McDowell

2013: Emma Donaldson-Fielder

Liza Walter-Nelson


Liza is a dynamic chartered psychologist and a chartered fellow of the CIPD.

With a career spanning over two decades, Liza has been a driving force in the fields of occupational psychology and HR since she completed her undergraduate degree in 2003. Her journey into occupational psychology took a significant step in 2007 when she pursued the BPS qualification route.

Her experience extends beyond her impressive academic qualifications. She has a proven track record of leadership and service. Notably, she has served as a chartable trustee and held senior roles in both the private and public sectors.

In the healthcare arena, she made a significant impact as an HR Director in the NHS within Commissioning services. She also ventured into the psychometric space as the Chief Product Officer at 10x Psychology. Currently Liza is a Solutions Director at MindGym, using occupational psychology and behavioural science to improve the work experience.

In 2021, Liza completed her professional doctorate. This achievement has energized her to refocus her activities within the Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP), where she was previously part of working groups.

Her dedication and unwavering passion for occupational psychology shine through in her commitment to maintaining the gold standard of excellence within the DOP.

Liza is determined to lead initiatives that enhance the value proposition for DOP members. She aims to drive professional growth and satisfaction among her peers while ensuring the continued excellence of occupational psychology.

Sonia Pawson


Sonia is currently the Director of People and Culture for West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

She is a chartered psychologist/associate fellow of the BPS and chartered fellow of the CIPD with a strong track record of leadership and delivery. Sonia worked in the Civil Service for 25 years, most recently as Director of Government Skills in the Cabinet Office. Here she delivered a radical vision and case for change for the prestigious Civil Service Fast Stream and led the development of the Civil Service 2022-2025 Apprenticeship Strategy. She provided strategic leadership and management of training across the Civil Service, including leading the Curriculum and Campus for Government skills to provide a clear, coherent learning and development offer for all Civil Servants.

Sonia served as Government Head of Profession for Occupational Psychology for six years. In the role she drove forward the strategic agenda to ensure occupational psychology was thriving and impacting all corners of the Civil Service.

In her earlier career Sonia worked on cross-cutting organisational initiatives at the Ministry of Justice and HM Inspectorate of Prisons, applying psychology positively to influence cultural change and the experience of work. She led on specialist recruitment, filling the most specialist/niche roles across the Civil Service and subsequently led the creation of the Government Recruitment Service.

Sonia is a DOP Leadership Development Programme alumnus with a history of actively volunteering in several DOP roles. She is passionate about the DOP member value proposition and wants to make a difference now and for the future generations to come.

Noreen Tehrani

Committee Member

Noreen has had a varied career working as a medical researcher, retail operations director and as a senior manager for a public organisation managing a team of 100 professional staff to provide psycho-social support for 200,000 employees.

She formed her own organisation in 1997 to assist organisations and employees to maximise their effectiveness and efficiency.

Noreen has combined her commercial, psychological and counselling knowledge and experience to develop an approach to supporting employees, which meets the needs of both the organisation and the employees.

Noreen understands organisations and business and uses this commercial approach to develop ethical products and services which meet the needs of the organisation for which she works. She is passionate about her work and constantly looks for ways to improve what she does.

Noreen has written many articles, papers and book chapters including two books on trauma, Workplace Trauma- concepts, assessments and interventions and Managing Trauma in the Workplace. She has also written two books on Workplace Bullying.

Noreen is the Deputy Chair of the Division of Occupational Psychology and past Chair of the Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Section of the BPS.

Timothy Gore

Committee Member

Tim is an organisational psychologist with a focus on organisational design, development and change.

He has worked across most areas of HR including strategic HRM, Recruitment, Reward and Benefits, L&D, Talent Management and HR Technology.

He has also worked across a number of industry sectors such as FMCG, Retail, Professional Services, Pharmaceuticals, Airlines and spent six years in the Middle East working for an international university.

Professionally Tim is a Chartered Psychologist,  Registered Occupational Psychologist and Chartered Fellow CIPD.

Anna Paolillo

Committee Member

Anna Paolillo is a Doctor in Organisational Psychology, an Associate Fellow of the BPS and registered Occupational Psychologist with the HCPC.

She currently works as Senior Lecturer and Course Director of the Kingston Business School MSc in Occupational and Business Psychology at Kingston University, London.

She has extensive experience as work psychologist in assessment, learning and development, career coaching and counselling.

She has mentored, coached and trained individuals and groups at different stages of their careers, including students, employed/unemployed people, vulnerable individuals, professionals and executives across Europe and the Middle East.

Her research interests and expertise cover psychological assessment of organisational climates as related to employees' inclusion, safety and other wellbeing outcomes, within sectors such as manufacturing, hospitality, infrastructure and healthcare.

Her focus has been on developing evidence-based tools and assessment practices that help people thrive in organisational settings, whether at work or in further education and continuous professional development.

Her work has been published in a broad range of peer-reviewed journals and sector-leading editors in the area of organisational psychology and psychological testing, such as Hogrefe, Palgrave and Erickson Eds.

Dr Anna Viragos

Committee Member

Dr Anna Viragos is an Associate Professor in Organizational Psychology, working in Leeds University Business School.

Anna is a Chartered Psychologist, and a full member of the DOP.

She is teaching on Organizational Behaviour and Organizational Psychology related modules at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, and part of the teaching team for the MSc Organizational/Business Psychology Programme.

Anna also supervises PhD students, and UG and PG Dissertations.

Anna's research focuses on job design, motivation, OCBs, wellbeing, creativity, and leadership. She has experience with both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Anna has worked on smaller consultancy projects and is open to getting involved in further opportunities.

Helen Ballard

Committee Member

Ian Macrae

Committee Member

Ian is director of High Potential Psychology which was founded in 2014 to conduct psychological research and develop workplace psychometric assessments. Tests developed by Ian & High Potential Psychology have been completed over one million times. 

Ian has been a member of the DOP since 2010 and has contributed to BPS publications regularly over the past decade, first contributing to Assessment and Development Matters in 2014. 

Ian is a writer and award winning author of books about workplace psychology.

His books include High Potential: How to spot manage and develop talented people at work (Bloomsbury, 2014; 2018), Motivation and Performance: A guide to motivating a diverse workforce (Kogan Page, 2017), Dark Social: Understanding the darker side of work, personality and social media (Bloomsbury, 2021), and his latest book is Web of Value: Understanding blockchain and web3's intersection of technology, psychology and business (Alexandria, 2024). His books have been published in a dozen languages. 

Ian's current focus is on the expansion of digital networks; how people shape digital spaces; and the impact of technology on human communication, cognition and behaviour. He wants to see occupational psychologists play a more active role in shaping discussions around technology, especially the practical and ethical implications surrounding personal autonomy, privacy and well-being in the workplace. 

Lindsay Purdue

Committee Member

Andre Soares

Committee Member

Cara Woods

DOP Northern Ireland Co-Chair

Ashleigh Bennett

DOP Northern Ireland Co-Chair


Dr Roberta Fida - EFPA representative

Dr Roberta Fida PhD CPsychol SFHEA is a Chartered Psychologist and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

She is the Division representative to the European Federation of Psychologists' Association's (EFPA) Standing Committee on Work and Organizational Psychology. She is also leading the "Threats and Security" topic of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Impact Incubator.

Roberta is Associate Professor in Work Psychology at the Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia. Roberta's main research interests are related to the understanding of unethical behaviour at work and how to prevent them. In particular she is interested on the role of moral disengagement and self-efficacy. She has conducted several funded research projects in Italy, the UK and Canada on wellbeing and stress at work. Roberta has also undertaken research projects in the health-care system with the aim of understanding the implication of workplace aggression. Roberta has published more than 80 papers in scientific journals including Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Vocational Behavior and Personality and Individual Differences.

Karen Moore - Chair for the BPS Qualification in Occupational Psychology (Stage 2)

Karen Moore CPsychol AFBPsS is a Registered Occupational Psychologist and is currently Chair for the BPS Qualification in Occupational Psychology (Stage 2).

For the past 40 years Karen has managed an experiential management development company, which she established with her husband and is now being run by the second generation of the family; working with all levels of management from graduates to the boards of multinational corporations. During this time, she  specialised in assessment for purposes from recruitment to promotion and restructuring departments, leading her to complete the Specialist in Test Use, Occupational certification.

With a lifetime interest in aviation, in 2017 Karen accepted an offer from one client to undertake a short secondment as Principal Occupational Psychologist to their assessment division which develops and delivers tests for the aviation sector, and she is currently still in this role.

Karen is particularly concerned that assessments, where and whenever they are carried out, should be conducted to the highest possible standards and using appropriate tests and test methodologies to ensure the fairest outcomes for candidates whilst being cost effective for the client.

Dr Thomas Rhys-Evans - DOP Training Committee representative

Bio coming soon.

Kate Bradley - DOP Training Committee representative

Bio coming soon.

Committee meeting dates

Committee meetings 2023

  • 08 August (TBC)
  • 03 October (10am – 1pm)
  • 05 December (10am – 1pm)