Blurry crowd of people

Division of Neuropsychology

The Division of Neuropsychology supports its members with training and advice, and keeps them apprised of ongoing news and developments within the field.

About us

In recent years neuropsychology has been one of the most exciting areas of science.

Advances in technology have revealed many of the secrets of structure-function relationships in the living brain, their development across the lifespan and the impact of disease, injury and degeneration.

These rapid advances have opened up many new research and clinical possibilities and so staying informed and up-to-date has never been so important.

Our membership has a powerful voice in raising the profile of neuropsychology, developing standards and advancing the discipline.

One of the primary purposes of the Division of Neuropsychology (DoN) is to champion the work of our members and the contribution psychology can make to society through lots of different channels, particularly through our regular conferences and events.

A journal open on a table

Download the latest issue of The Neuropsychologist

The DoN Committee

Executive Committee Members

Chair: Ingram Wright

Deputy Chair: Najma Khan-Bourne

Honorary Treasurer: Jonathan Foster

Honorary Secretary: Royston Hall

Chair of Membership Services Unit: Annmarie Burns 

Chair of Policy Unit: Najma Khan-Bourne

Chair of Professional Standards Unit: Rupert Noad

Committee Members:

  • Ndidi Boakye
  • Warren Dunger
  • Jessica Fish 

Early Career Representative: Cliodhna Carroll

DoN Policy Officer: Vacant

International Advisor: Huw Williams

Northern Ireland Representative: Frederick (Colin) Wilson 

Research Board Representative: Karen Brandt

DoN Scotland: Catriona George

DoN Faculty: Sophie Thomas

PsyPAG Representative: Vacant

Wales Representative: Kathryn Bond

Membership Services Unit

MSU Chair: Annmarie Burns 

MSU Secretary: Astri Ablitt

DoN Treasurer: Jonathan Foster

Communications Officer: Jessica Fish

Chief Editor, The Neuropsychologist: Jessica Fish

Communications Team: Cliodhna Carroll (Social Media & Website), Ben Marram (Social Media & Newsletter)

CPD Lead: Simon Prangnell

CPD Team: Alexandra Rose, Jeanette Thrilling, Camille Julien

British Neuropsychological Society (BNS) Representative: Robin Morris

Faculty of Paediatric Neuropsychology Representative: Sophie Thomas

Faculty of Psychologists working with Older People (DCP FPOP) Representative: Vacant

PsyPAG Representative: Vacant

Policy Unit

Chair of PoU: Najma Khan-Bourne

Deputy Chair, Co-Lead Rehab, Co-lead EDIFergus Gracey

Commissioning / Workforce Lead: Phil Yates

Co-Lead EDI: Ndidi Boakye

Lead FND: Neils Detert

Co-Lead Stroke: Birgitt Gurr

Co-Lead Stroke: Mark Griffiths

Stroke Workstream: Cat Ford

Lead Progressive Conditions: Amanda Mobley

Co-Lead Rehab: Jenna Moffitt

Lead Paediatrics: Angela Simcox (co-opted May 2023)

Professional Standards Unit

Chair of PSU: Rupert Noad

Deputy Chair of PSU: Perry Moore 

Secretary of PSU: Cathryn Harries 


  • Tracey Ryan-Morgan (CTCN Representative)
  • Ryan Aguiar
  • Warren Dunger
  • Gemma Johns 

Chair of Clinical Neuropsychology Qualifications Board (CNQB): Matthew Jones-Chesters

Chair of Committee on Clinical Training in Neuropsychology (CTCN): Rupert Noad

Committee on Test Standards: Vacant

Course Directors of Clinical Neuropsychology Programmes:

  • Sara Shavel-Jessop
  • Jon Evans
  • Martin Bunnage
  • Jerry Burgess

Workforce Planning Lead: Simon Gerhand

Expert Witness Advisory Group Representative: Faraneh Vargha Khadem

Training Representative: Cerian Jackson

Paediatric Representative: Isabel Garrood

Contact us

The first point of contact for any queries regarding the work of the DoN or its committees should be via our communications officer at [email protected].

If there is a specific committee or member that you wish to contact, please identify this in your email.

One line drawing of headphone. Speaker device gadget hand drawn illustration.

Listen to the DoN podcast - The Neuro Clinic

Join hosts Ingram Wright & Cliodhna Carroll as they discuss the issues that matter with the Clinical Neuropsychology Community.

Division of Neuropsychology


Division of Neuropsychology


Division of Neuropsychology



DoN resources


Overview of systems

DCP Introductory guide to commissioning

The aim of this document is to describe commissioning concepts structures and systems and to make this knowledge accessible and useful for clinical psychologists at all levels, including trainees.

Service specific guidance

Clinical Neuropsychology Services - delivering value for the NHS (March 2015)

Written for NHS commissioners and policy makers, this document looks at the role of Clinical Neuropsychologists within the health service.

Commissioning documents (members only)

Please note: you must be a member of the DoN to access these documents

Clinical Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Services for Adults with Acquired Brain Injury (June 2005) 
Commissioning Child Neuropsychology Services (June 2004)

Competency Framework

This document reports the development of a competency framework for the UK profession of Clinical Neuropsychology.

Download the Competency Framework for the UK Clinical Neuropsychology Profession (May 2012)

This report describes findings and the Division of Neuropsychology (DoN) Executive Committee response to Consultation on the implementation of the competency framework for training the future UK clinical neuropsychology profession.

Competency Framework for the UK Clinical Neuropsychology Profession (May 2012)

Functional and dissociative neurological symptoms

This paper describes the role of clinical neuropsychology services in the specialist assessment and management of patients with medically unexplained neurological symptoms.

MND pathways

Developing Pathways in the UK for the assessment of cognitive and behaviour change in people with MND

Cognitive and behavioural changes occur in approximately 50% of patients with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) which can manifest as deficits in executive and language functions and poor social cognition. Up to 15% also suffer from a frontotemporal dementia (see for review (Goldstein and Abrahams 2013). These deficits can impact caregiver burden, adherence to life-prolonging interventions and care planning.

NICE Guidelines on the Management of MND

The new NICE guidelines on MND (NICE 2016) state that

1.3 "At diagnosis and if there is a concern about cognition and behaviour, explore any cognitive or behaviour changes with the person and their family members and/or carers as appropriate. If needed refer the person for a formal assessment".

The guidelines continue to state  1.3.2"The multidisciplinary team should assess, manage and review the following areas… Cognition and Behaviour"

And most importantly: 1.5.5"The multidisciplinary team should have established relationships with, and prompt access to the following: Clinical psychology and neuropsychology"

Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen

People with MND have a range of physical disabilities which can make it difficult for them to undergo standard clinical neuropsychological assessment. In response to this Professor Sharon Abrahams and Thomas Bak from the University of Edinburgh have developed the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS screen (ECAS), a multi-domain brief assessment,  which is designed for people with motor dysfunction and has been validated against extensive neuropsychological assessment (Abrahams, Newton et al. 2014, Niven 2015). The ECAS provides a brief assessment of executive functions, fluency, language functions, memory and visuospatial functions and can be undertaken in written or spoken form, making it suitable for physical disability. In addition it provides an informant behaviour interview based on the latest diagnostic criteria for behavioural variant FTD.

Within Scotland, routine assessment of MND patients using the ECAS has been implemented through a dual pathway method. The first pathway involves direct referral from the MND team (consultant neurologist) to local clinical neuropsychology services who undertake an ECAS as part of their assessment. Where at all possible these patients are given priority status as long waiting lists are often inappropriate for this rapid neurodegenerative condition. The second pathway (which is applicable for those people with MND who do not or cannot access neuropsychology services) is for a member of the multidisciplinary team (usually the MND nurse specialist) to undertake an ECAS, with supervision on interpretation and possible intervention from local clinical neuropsychology services. As such the clinical neuropsychologist provides regular supervision of MND health specialists and indirect input into the multidisciplinary team with less time committed.

MNDA: Developing Pathways in the UK for assessment of cognitive and behaviour change in people with MND

The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) are funding a project led by Professor Sharon Abrahams at the University of Edinburgh to develop pathways to a UK national assessment programme for the identification of changes in cognition and behaviour in people living with MND. Part of this process is to encourage the development of local links between MND Teams and local clinical neuropsychological services.

Throughout 2017, across the UK, the MNDA and Professor Abrahams will be delivering Advanced Masterclasses in 'Using the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen (ECAS) to assess change in Motor Neurone Disease'. This training programme is accredited by the European Network to Cure ALS and is aimed at health professionals working in MND teams.

At these meetings trained health professionals will be encouraged to make contact with their local clinical neuropsychology services to develop local care pathways.

  • Abrahams, S., J. Newton, E. Niven, J. Foley and T. H. Bak (2014). "Screening for cognition and behaviour changes in ALS." Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration 15(1-2): 9-14.
  • Goldstein, L. H. and S. Abrahams (2013). "Changes in cognition and behaviour in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Nature of impairment and implications for assessment." The Lancet Neurology 12(4): 368-380.
  • NICE (2016). "National Institute for Health and Care Excellence."
  • Niven, E., Newton, J., Foley, J., Colville, S., Swingler, R., Chandran, S., Bak, T.H. & Abrahams S. (2015). "Validation of the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis SCreen (ECAS): A cognitive tool for motor disorders." Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener 16(3-4): 172-179.

Mapping of Neuropsychology Services

A Briefing to further understand the nature of neuropsychology services in other areas of the country in the absence of official data.

The evidence presented in the briefing refers to the current arrangements of neuropsychology services located within neuroscience centres many of which have different regional contexts. The Division of Neuropsychology has not taken a position on appropriate staffing levels or how services should be funded in general.  As a result care should be taken in presenting or sharing the data to external audiences. 

Where information from the report is presented or shared it should be referenced as internal Division of Neuropsychology mapping as the report has not been approved by the BPS Professional Practice Board or externally published.'

Population data for regional neuroscience centres was sourced from individual trusts websites and associated publications.

Mapping of Neuropsychology Services within Neuroscience Centres

The Division of Neuropsychology (DoN) Policy Unit works to build the profile of neuropsychology in public policy and to highlight the role it plays in care for patients with neurological conditions.

Mapping of Neuropsychology Services within Neuroscience Centres

Parliamentary debate

The House of Commons debated Acquired Brain Injury, on the 18 June 2018 for an hour, considering a ranges of issues, including: the incredible toll on families and carers of caring for someone with ABI; the potentially devastating impact of even a mild TBI; the need for a joined up approach for children with ABI from Health, Social Care and Education in care planning; the significant financial cost savings to health, social care and the justice system when neuropsychological rehabilitation is  provided; and the potential vulnerability of ABI sufferers to offending and, if unrecognised and untreated, re-offending.  

Both the BPS Policy team and the DoN's own Policy Unit have worked hard – on behalf of BPS and DoN members but also on behalf of all your patients with neurological conditions - to make connections with MPs and to really raise awareness of the widespread impact of this issue.  And the debate was notable for the very real understanding shown by the speakers about the consequences of, not just TBI, but of AB,I across the life span.  Some MPs spoke movingly and with amazing candour about their own personal family experiences of ABI.  This must be the first time 'neuropsychology' has been mentioned in Hansard.

Steve Brine, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health and Social Care opened the debate with an excellent encapsulation of the definition and prevalence of ABI.

As part of the debate, Clinical Psychologist, and now Member of Parliament for East Kilbride SNP, Dr Lisa Cameron, spoke specifically and knowledgeably about the cognitive and psychological effects of brain injury, and the importance of timely access to Neuropsychology as a key part of rehabilitation, saying"Access to Neuropsychology is a key part of rehabilitation". 

Chris Bryant, Member of Parliament for Rhondda Lab, said, "Acquired brain injury is an invisible epidemic in this country".

Research Excellence Framework

Expert panels for the REF 2021 exercise are made up of senior academics, international members, and research users.  Psychological research falls under the remit of the Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience Sub-Panel.

Members of the BPS Research Board have expressed some concerns that the composition of the new REF 2021 panel does not reflect the diversity of research models used in psychological research, in particular concerns have been raised that the new panel may not have sufficient expertise to evaluate the value of qualitative research.

The BPS has written to the chair of REF Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience Sub-Panel to express these concerns and has received assurances with respect to the value of all research methodologies. The REF panel welcomes submissions from ALL areas and methodologies in psychology and ALL submissions will be treated equally and fairly.

Research excellence framework documents

DoN members only.

Letter from Sarb Bajwa BPS CHief Executive to the Chair of the REF Sub-Panel for Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Reply from the Chair of the REF Sub-Panel

WHO Classification of Interventions

International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI) is the new classification system developed by the World Health Organisation, which compliments the existing International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

The interventions contained in the ICHI are closely based upon the ICF, which includes for example, a large section on mental functions and associated limitations.  The ICHI codes the assessment and intervention (rehabilitation) of these mental functions, therefore it is of great relevance to neuropsychology.

This classification system will have many and wide ranging applications in the research, planning and organisation of health services.

One possible use for example, is by NHS coding.  This is the system by which clinical services in the UK are monitored, planned and paid for.  This is another reason why neuropsychologists should pay attention to the ICHI, to ensure that our activity is appropriately captured.

Through 2016 and 2017 the DoN has contributed to the development of the ICHI.  Through 2018 the first phase of beta testing has been completd, which will be followed by a second phase of beta testing up to September 2019.

Other Relevant Resources


Executive summary

The Division of Neuropsychology supports the appropriate use of remote technologies when undertaking clinical neuropsychology work in the context of the current COVID 19 pandemic.

Careful consideration on a case-by-case basis must be given as to whether use of tele-neuropsychology is necessary and will address the current need of the patient/client.

Guidance for those planning tele-neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation/treatment is provided but should be interpreted in the context of local guidance from employers and other host organisations.  

Published studies indicate that remote administration of some neuropsychological tests can produce reliable and valid results, though the evidence base is limited.

The assessment of young children, adults with learning disabilities, and many older adults will require specific further consideration.

DoN Interest Groups

Neuropsychology Interest groups

Below is a growing directory of regional and special interest groups and forums related to neuropsychology.

Please note: inclusion on this page does not necessarily imply affiliation with, or the endorsement of, the BPS Division of Neuropsychology. 

Regional Groups - Lead

Berkshire - Dr Trevor Powell

East Anglia - Dr Kate Psaila

Glasgow - Professor Jonathan Evans

Hertfordshire - Dr Amy Lyons

Neuropsychology in Older People Network - NOPN - Dr Sarah McCrimmon 

Northampton - Dr Keith Jenkins

North East - Dr Jenna Moffitt 

North Wales - Dr Helena Blackwell

North West - Dr Gavin Newby

Northern Ireland - Dr Helena Blackwell

Southampton - Dr Jane McNeil

South Somerset - Dr Miriam Prins

South Thames - Dr Cliodhna Carroll

South Wales - Dr Claire Willson

South Wales Child - Dr Michelle Smalley

South West - Dr Phil Yates

Trent - Dr Patrick Vesey

West Midlands - Dr Amanda Mobley

Paediatric Faculty Interest Groups

The DoN Faculty for Paediatric Neuropsychology also has a number of special interest groups.

The Neuropsychologist 

The periodical is published twice per year and serves as a forum for keeping members abreast of developments in the profession. Each issue includes a selection of articles on applied topics in clinical neuropsychology alongside reviews of conferences and books, member interviews, and updates on developments in the profession.

Find out more about The Neuropsychologist

Latest articles

  • Periodicals

Employing a positive behaviour support approach on a neuro-behavioural ward: A service evaluation - The Neuropsychologist

Volume: 1 Issue: 18

Author(s): Stephanie Wright, Samuela Nucera, Richard Irwin

Division of Neuropsychology
  • Periodicals

Editorial - The Neuropsychologist

Volume: 1 Issue: 18

Author(s): Jessica Fish

Division of Neuropsychology
  • Periodicals

An evaluation of UK psychological services for people with Parkinson’s disease: Current practice and recommendations for improvement - The Neuropsychologist

Volume: 1 Issue: 18

Author(s): Jana Ihnen, Rini Jones, Jess Marsh, Amanda Mobley, David Okai, Jennifer A. Foley

Division of Neuropsychology
  • Periodicals

Character strengths-focused positive psychotherapy for people with psychological symptoms following acute stroke: A feasibility and acceptability study - The Neuropsychologist

Volume: 1 Issue: 18

Author(s): Martina Guiotto, Tanya Denmark, Suzanne Balfour-Peers, Najma Khan-Bourne, Simon Riches

Division of Neuropsychology
  • Periodicals

Review of the fifth international conference on Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) in Verona, Italy, June 7–11 2024 - The Neuropsychologist

Volume: 1 Issue: 18

Author(s): Niels Detert

Division of Neuropsychology

Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology

The society offers the Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology (QiCN) which confers eligibility for entry onto the Society's Specialist Register of Clinical Neuropsychologists.

If you want to work as a Clinical Neuropsychologist this qualification establishes a standard of practice that will help you demonstrate essential skills and underpin knowledge required of a professional in this field.

Find out more about the Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology

Specialist Register of Clinical Neuropsychologists

The Specialist Register of Clinical Neuropsychologists is the gold standard for registration for clinicians practising in neuropsychology and provides a quality mark for their expertise, as well as assurance that the skills and experience of an individual have been validated and are of the appropriate standard.

To join the register clinicians must undergo additional specialist post-doctoral training in brain injury and neurological illness and gain substantial experience in applied neuropsychological assessment and treatment.

To remain on the SRCN registrants are required to maintain an active supervision and CPD plan to ensure their knowledge and skills remain up to date.

The SRCN allows the general public, patients and other professionals to identify those individuals who are recognised as Clinical Neuropsychologists by the UK's professional body of psychologists.

It is considered important that such a register is accessible to the public as such professionals are not currently required to register with the Health and Care Professions Council as Clinical Neuropsychologists.

Search the register


Clinical Neuropsychology Training Webinar (February 2021)

Ingram Wright and Rupert Noad discuss developments in neuropsychology training in the UK including new routes for counselling psychologists to access training in neuropsychology.

Beginners tips in clinical neuropsychology: Session 1

Some of the pitfalls of statistical versus clinical significance in the interpretation of psychometric data

This is the first in a series of 4 brief lunchtime 'taster' sessions on clinical neuropsychology for psychologists working as assistants, trainees or band 7s in neuropsychology settings, discussing some of the issues that come up.

Beginners tips in clinical neuropsychology: Session 2

What is ‘complex behavioural formulation’ in clinical neuropsychology?

This is the second in a series of 4 brief lunchtime 'taster' sessions on clinical neuropsychology for psychologists working as assistants, trainees or band 7s in neuropsychology settings, discussing some of the issues that come up.

Building on the first chat, this session looks in more detail at how the test data are used by clinical neuropsychologists alongside other sources of data to forge an answer to the original hypothesis or referral question.

Beginners tips in clinical neuropsychology: Session 3

Don’t forget your clinical skills!

This is the third in a series of 4 brief lunchtime 'taster' sessions on clinical neuropsychology for psychologists working as assistants, trainees or band 7s in neuropsychology settings, discussing some of the issues that come up.

Clinical neuropsychologists and clinical psychologists working in neuropsychology are all continuing to use their foundational core clinical skills.

This session follows on from behavioural formulation with some reflections on the importance of blending clinical and neuropsychological skills, using some case vignettes.

Beginners tips in clinical neuropsychology: Session 4

Some of the common pathologies we see in clinical neuropsychology and ways of working with them

This is the fourth in a series of 4 brief lunchtime 'taster' sessions on clinical neuropsychology for psychologists working as assistants, trainees or band 7s in neuropsychology settings, discussing some of the issues that come up.

Neuropsychology involves not only cognitive assessment in its various forms; neuropsychological rehabilitation and support; but also working therapeutically with people with neurological conditions.

This last session touches on therapy and looks at some of the key issues in working with people with epilepsy, subarachnoid haemorrhage and brain tumours.


Call for nominations

We are pleased to announce that nominations for our DoN Awards are now open.

Please see the linked forms for criteria and information on how to make a nomination.

Nominations close on 14 June 2024.

Please note: the deadline has been extended until 14 June and will not be extended beyond this.

Early Career Award 2024

This award recognises DoN members at the early stage of their career as a neuropsychologist, who have made a significant contribution in relation to development of clinical neuropsychology in the UK. Achievements may be recognised at a national or international level including innovative service provision in clinical neuropsychology or outstanding research into neuropsychology. 

Candidates must be full members of the DoN and be within five years of completion of their QiCN training, or within five years of completion of a PhD in neuropsychology with post-doctoral research experience.

Practitioner of the Year Award 2024

This award is given in recognition of a particularly innovative and creative project design and/or delivery in practice. This award will be open to pilot programmes or projects of any size showing particular innovation and can be made to DoN members at any stage in their career. 

Nominees should have recently been instrumental in the development of an innovative project, which has:

  1. improved psychological knowledge and understanding, and/or
  2. had a positive impact on individuals, communities or organisations. 

Distinguished Contribution Award 2024

This award recognises current or retired practitioners in any area of professional applied neuropsychology. Nominees should have: 

  • (a) Made a major outstanding contribution in one particular work stream or project area (rather than a culmination of a career in psychology)
  • (b) improved psychological knowledge and understanding in the particular area, and 
  • (c) Had a positive impact on individuals, communities or organisations. 

Nominations are open to members of the Division. Self-nominations are acceptable but will require an additional referee.

Barbara A. Wilson - Lifetime Achievement Award 2024

This award is in recognition of outstanding contribution to neuropsychology in the UK related to service development, training, or research. This contribution should have had a significant impact on the practice of clinical neuropsychology either nationally or internationally. Candidates must be DoN members, and the award is normally made to someone in the middle or later stage of their career in clinical neuropsychology.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Neuropsychology International Fellowship Scheme

The purpose of the Neuropsychology International Fellowship scheme (managed and promoted in conjunction with The British Neuropsychological Society) is to help to promote and support neuropsychology in countries where such resources are limited or are in the early stages of development.


The International Neuropsychological Society has an International Liaison Committee, with its own Newsletter, website and Charles Matthews Support Fund.

Other societies, such as the Association of British Neurologists, have schemes to help support their disciplines in developing countries, while organisations such as the British Council and the Tropical Health Education Trust have schemes to promote links with developing countries.

In addition a number of British universities have a presence or close links with developing countries, and some western universities offer distance learning schemes that can be taken by students who reside overseas.

A number of recent reports from the Department of Health have emphasised both the moral responsibilities of western countries to support health care in less developed parts of the world, and also the direct and indirect benefits that accrue from overseas links for health service activities, clinical teaching and clinical research in the UK.

Many NHS trusts have schemes that include projects or partnerships with developing countries. In an inter-dependent, increasingly globalised world, what happens in one country may have some impact on a distant country, and so it is in the long-term interests of UK citizens to ensure that there is well-being in other parts of the world.

More specifically, neuropsychologists need to develop culturally-sensitive and culturally-fair neuropsychological tests, since the populations of many western countries are becoming increasingly heterogeneous. Clinical scientists in western countries who wish to carry out research in topics such as AIDS, tropical infections, blindness, effects of foetal nutrition, etc. may find that it is beneficial to have collaboration with a developing country in terms of recruitment of participants.

Outline of Scheme

The scheme aims to support, in a variety of ways, neuropsychology in developing countries. Thus, it may provide for travel and accommodation costs for a neuropsychologist from a developing country to come and spend some time in Neuropsychology Departments in the UK, attend meetings, etc.

Although preference would be given to scholars visiting from overseas, the scheme may also support senior neuropsychologists in the UK who, for example, wish to provide a workshop in a developing country.

It may support teleconferences, for teaching or consultation purposes, between the UK and a developing country. It may also support a collaborative research project between the UK and a developing country, the outcome of which might have some tangible benefit to the developing country.

Find out more about Neuropsychology International Fellowship.

International Fellowship Scheme guidelines

Download the procedure and guideline for applicants

Guideline for applicants

This download can only be accessed by DoN members

The Neuro Clinic

On our podcast, The Neuro Clinic, hosts Ingram Wright and Cliodhna Carroll speak with members of the Clinical Neuropsychology Community.

Paediatric Neuropsychology with Professor Vicki Anderson

August 2023

Professor Anderson joins us to discuss career development in paediatric neuropsychology, the wider developments in the field, and the challenges and opportunities of this work. 

Introducing Cliodhna Carroll and Series 2 of the Neuro Clinic

July 2023

A rather rambling and content free introduction to Series 2 of the neuro clinic. It is a pleasure to be working with Cliodhna Carroll on this series and to have such a fantastic array of guests coming up...... Vicki Anderson (Paediatric Neuropsychology), Mike Carter (Neurosurgery), Ryan Van Patten and John Belone on Neuropsychology podcasting, and much more. 

Navigating Neuropsychology with Ryan Van Patten and John Bellone

July 2023

This is the first in our new series! We introduce Cliodhna Carroll as a new co-host of the neuro clinic and start as we mean to go on with a great conversation with Dr John Bellone and Dr Ryan Van Patten, hosts of the NavNeuro podcast hosted by the International Neuropsychological Society 

Kate Gould on acquired brain injury, cybersafety, challenging behaviour, and co-production

June 2022

An international episode with Dr Kate Gould from Monash University, Australia.

Kate talks about her work in understanding and providing positive support in addressing challenging behaviour after acquired brain injury as well as about her extensive collaborative research with Professor Jennie Ponsford and Dr Tim Feeney amongst others.

Being an Assistant Psychologist in Neuropsychology

March 2022

Great to be joined by Hannah, Helena, Melissa, Natasha, Seb and Steph to talk about the role of an Assistant Psychologist (AP) in Neuropsychology. Topics include getting a job as an AP,

the breadth of learning opportunities in neuro settings, what good supervision looks like, and when it might be time to move on to another role!

Giles Yeates on Developing Innovative Practice in Community Brain Injury Provision

February 2022

In this episode I talk to Giles Yeates about his views on the development of community neurorehabilitation, his innovative professional journey incorporating ideas from martial arts, understanding relationships and sexuality after brain injury.

Dean Burnett on Communicating Neuroscience

December 2021

A conversation with neuroscientist, author, blogger, occasional comedian, Dr Dean Burnett.

Dean is the author of the the popular Guardian Science blog 'Brain Flapping' (now 'Brain Yapping' on the Cosmic Shambles Network with accompanying podcast), the bestselling books The Idiot Brain and The Happy Brain, and his first book aimed at teens, Why Your Parents Are Driving You Up the Wall and What To Do About It.

Dr Fergus Gracey on Brain Injury and Identity

December 2021

Dr Fergus Gracey, Clinical Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology from the University of East Anglia joins me to discuss identity after brain injury and much more.

Liam Dorris on developing research within a career in clinical neuropsychology

November 2021

Professor Liam Dorris talks about the development of his interest in research in paediatric neuropsychology.

Penny Trayner and Pip Calvert on Adult and Child Neuropsychology

October 2021

Penny, Pip and Ingram discuss the distinctive nature of adult and paediatric work focusing on contextual and legislative difference in addition to professional training and practice boundaries.

Jason Price on Functional Neurological Disorders

August 2021

Jason talks about his enthusiasm for working in FND and developments in our understanding of theses conditions, their diagnosis and treatment.

Rebecca Poz on working with older adults

August 2021

Rebecca talks about services for older adults and her work spanning both neuropsychology and mental health provision.

Pip Calvert and Jak Smith on Cognitive Analytic Therapy

July 2021

I am joined by Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist Pip Calvert, and Cognitive Analytic Therapist, Jak Smith, to talk about the application of cognitive analytic concepts to neuro work.

Jon Evans on Clinical Neuropsychology research and an international perspective

July 2021

Professor Jon Evans and I discuss his entry into clinical neuropsychology, his orientation to neuropsychological research and an international perspective on our work.

Alistair Teager and Ben Dawson on working and developing services in major trauma

May 2021

A conversation with Alistair Teager and Ben Dawson on working and developing services in major trauma.

Lorraine Haye and Abigail Methley on holistic approaches to neuropsychology

April 2021

This is a conversation with Lorraine Haye and Abigail Methley who work as clinical psychologists in neuropsychology within a mental health trust.

We discuss the challenges that service context brings to the work that we do and the meaning of trauma in neuropsychology.

A conversation with Katherine Carpenter

April 2021

Katherine Carpenter, Chair of the British Psychological Society's Division of Neuropsychology talks to Ingram Wright about her background, her interest in neuropsychology, leadership of the profession and challenges for our profession around diversity and inclusion. Katherine is speaking in a personal capacity.

Dr Cliodhna and Dr Ben Marram on undergoing specialist training in Clinical Neuropsychology

March 2021

Dr Cliodhna Carroll and Dr Ben Marram in conversation about their experiences in Clinical Neuropsychology Training.

Dr Penny Trayner and DJ Mark One on innovation in neurorehabilitation and the creative application of DJ tuition

March 2021

A conversation with Dr Penny Trayner and DJ Mark One about the creative application of DJ Tuition to neurorehabilitation.

Will Curvis and Lawson Falshaw on training and inspiration in neuropsychology

February 2021

This is the first of a series of podcasts in conversation with practicing clinicians.

This week, I talk to Will Curvis and Lawson Falshaw about how their interest in neuropsychology has developed.

Join us

Apply to join the DoN (students, affiliates, e-subscribers) 

Apply to join the DoN (graduate, chartered, and in-training members) 

Membership of the Division of Neuropsychology is only open to members of the British Psychological Society.

If you are not already a member you can join the DoN at the same time as applying for membership of the society.

There are two grades of divisional membership:

  • Full Divisional membership - £36

    For fully qualified psychologists who are eligible for Chartered Status.

  • General Divisional membership - £24

    For members who are not currently eligible for the above grades, to join as a General Member.


Benefits of belonging

Benefits of Division of Neuropsychology membership

The Division of Neuropsychology (DoN) has over 1,250 members, representing a profession in both public and private practice.

Becoming a member of the DoN can be an active experience, where you can contribute to publications, committees and consultations. Alternatively, you may simply wish to enjoy the support of likeminded people through the rich web of personal and professional contacts awaiting you.

We promote our identity and share a sense of community with colleagues who have a commitment to neuropsychology.

Our membership has a powerful voice in raising the profile of psychology, developing standards and advancing the discipline. 

Member Announcement Email List

We use our membership announcement email list to inform members of activities and initiatives relevant to their interests, and to make requests for engagement on topical issues. 

By becoming a member of the DoN you are automatically added to the announcement list.

To receive these emails you will need to:

  1. become a member of the Division of Neuropsychology
  2. opt into receiving email communications and provide a working email address

These preferences can be updated by logging into your member portal.

If you have any queries, please contact Member Network Services.

To assist us in responding to your query please make sure to include your membership number and quote 'DoN announcement email' in the subject line.

Getting involved with the DoN Committee

The DoN relies on a wide range of people getting involved, and the work of the Division is largely achieved through the dedication of unpaid volunteers.

Our volunteers come from a wide range of different backgrounds, whether they be practitioners or academics, or full members or in-training members, and together form an open and inclusive community.