Protect the future of NHS staff mental health and wellbeing services

We're calling for investment in vital mental health and wellbeing support for NHS and social care staff

About the campaign

Government funding for the NHS staff mental health and wellbeing hubs in England ended on 31 March 2023. 

We've been campaigning for the hubs to receive the government funding they need to continue to be  a vital lifeline for thousands of NHS and social care staff struggling with their mental health.

For many, the hubs' support has enabled them to continue their important work for patients, and to work safely in their challenging jobs. The campaign has made a difference.  

However, the government has now placed responsibility for the future of staff mental health and wellbeing services - including the remaining NHS Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs - with local integrated care systems.  

With strong links between staff wellbeing and patient safety, and staff recruitment and retention, it's crucial the government and local integrated care systems invest in the mental health of their workforce.

Our calls to action 

  • Integrated Care Systems must commit to long-term ring-fenced funding for dedicated psychologically-led mental health support for health and care staff, including through the remaining NHS Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs.
  • The government must invest in long-term ring-fenced funding for dedicated, psychologically-led mental health support for health and care staff, to complement local investment.

Hear from the hubs

Hub leads and services users explain in why it's so important that the hubs' work continues and why the mental health of NHS staff should be prioritised.

Hear from the hubs

Media coverage

Digital wall

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