Cyberpsychology Section Annual Conference 2024

01 July 2024 - 02 July 2024North West
  • Cyberpsychology
See registration tab
Woman asking a question at a conference
Cyberpsychology Section

This year's Cyberpsychology Conference will be taking place on the 01-02 July 2024.

We aim to bring together a wide array of academics, students, practitioners, and industry experts from across the diverse discipline of cyberpsychology to circulate research and discuss many cutting-edge issues and debates.

This Year's conference will be held at:

  • Liverpool John Moores University
    Egerton Court
    2 Rodney St
    L3 5UX

Cyberpsychology exists to pursue and formalise a scientific understanding of the
impact, dynamic processes and outcomes that democratised digital technologies have
enabled in individuals, groups and the wider society.

By investigating issues around gaming, social media, virtual reality, online learning and
virtual interest groups, we hope to raise (and answer) questions about the motivations,
experiences, and effects surrounding the interactions between humanity and

This year we've decided not to restrict the submissions by setting a theme and are
looking forward to seeing what submissions this open approach brings.

The conference agenda will showcase keynote speeches by esteemed professionals
and unveil groundbreaking, pioneering research presentations.

Participation can be in the form of:

  • Oral Presentation
  • Poster Presentation
  • Symposia
  • Workshop / Panel Discussion
  • Work in Progress' Presentation

If you are interested in presenting at the conference, you can submit an abstract for review.

Please read the abstract submission tab before submitting an abstract.

The abstract submission deadline is 05 April 2024.

Our conference programme is subject to change at any point before or during the conference itself. 

We are unable to accept responsibility for changes made which are outside of our control.

Download the conference programme

Want to speak to one of the team?

Contact us at [email protected].


Dr Elaine Kasket

All Psychology is Cyberpsychology: Rebooting Classic Theories for a Digital Era

Today's digital landscape demands that we view all psychology through a cyberpsychological lens.

This keynote revisits foundational psychological theories -- Erikson's psychosocial stages, Karpman's drama triangles, Seligman's learned helplessness, Ainsworth's attachment theory, and more -- interpreting them in the context of digital interactions.

Through this exploration, I'll be championing the need for integration of cyberpsychology into the training and practice of a wide range of professional psychologists, including counselling, clinical, and educational practitioners.

We'll use an interactive Kahoot! presentation element to help attendees leave with a renewed perspective on just how essential it is to weave digital understanding into the fabric of psychological education and practice.

Dr Elaine Kasket

About the speaker

Dr Elaine Kasket is a leading cyberpsychologist and Counselling Psychologist.

She is an expert in how our digital choices shape our experience and relationships across the lifespan, at home and at work. 

Recognising the unprecedented nature of the psychological and social dilemmas we face in a technologically saturated world, Elaine focuses on how we can deepen our wellbeing, maximise connection and relational depth, and retain our fundamental humanity in the digital era.

Central to her philosophy is recognising and challenging our narratives of helplessness in the face of technology; realising the fuller extent of our power; and building more meaningful lives with and through tech.

Elaine's new book Reboot: Reclaiming your life in a Tech Obsessed World (Elliot & Thompson, 2023), delves into the diverse roles tech plays in modern existence, including: remote/hybrid working; employer surveillance; threats to identity and autonomy; and the new phenomena of digital gestation and digital afterlives.

She has also written All the Ghosts in the Machine: The Digital Afterlife of Your Personal Data (Robinson, 2019), which proposes that what happens to our data when we die provides the perfect lens for understanding the true power big tech wields over our information and our identities.  

A keynote speaker, storyteller and trainer, Elaine has collaborated with clients and audiences worldwide including Netflix, TEDx, House of Beautiful Business, Santander, Hill & Knowlton Strategies, Congreso Futuro, the NHS, the British Science Festival and Latitude.

Dr Linda Kaye

What cyberpsychology can tell us about the Digitally-Connected Human Experience

In Westernised society, our interactions with technology and the internet represent a significant proportion of our everyday lives.

At its heart, cyberpsychology is the study of what we could consider to be the "digitally-connected human experience".

This talk will outline a range of contributions which cyberpsychology has brought towards understanding this so-called digitally-connected human experience.

This will delve into human experiences in domains such as: identity, social, emotion, and intellect, and will outline illustrative research findings in these domains to highlight cyberpsychology's contributions to advancing what it is to be human in a connected society. 

Headshot of Dr Linda Kaye

About the speaker

Dr Linda K. Kaye is Associate Head in the Department of Psychology at Edge Hill University.

Her research broadly explores how online worlds affect our everyday experiences and behaviour, and the extent to which we can understand human psychology from studying people’s online behaviour.

Dr Kaye has an extensive publication record and engages in a wide range of external engagement activities to promote the field of cyberpsychology to the general public, the media and businesses.

Dr Kaye ahas her own business, "The CyberDoctor", which applies cyberpsychology to help businesses understand their online consumers’ behaviour to optimise their online marketing and communications, and is also one of four founding members and former Chair of the British Psychological Society’s Cyberpsychology Section.

Key Submission dates

  • 16 February - On-line submissions system and registration opens
  • 05 April - Deadline for Symposium, Workshops, Oral Presentation, Discussion/Panel, 'Work in Progress' Presentations and Poster Submissions
  • 12 April - Extended deadline
  • 06 May - Notification of outcome for Symposium, Workshops, Oral Presentation, Discussion/Panel, 'Work in Progress' Presentations and Poster Submission
  • 17 June - Deadline for Conference Registration

Please ensure you read the submission guidelines below before submitting, including
the reviewer guidelines.

Symposium submissions are also done through the abstract submission.

These allow you to see how your submissions will be reviewed.

Read the submission guidelines.

How to submit

Submissions must be made via tour online portal.

Make a submission now

Please note: you will need to create an account if this is your first time submitting.

The Cyberpsychology Annual Conference registration fee will grant you access to both
days of the conference, including all sessions and content.

Your ticket cost also includes breakfast, lunch and refreshments throughout both days;
as well as an evening drinks reception on the first day of the conference.

There will also be a conference dinner option on the evening of the first day (this can only be booked on the day).

More details will be provided at the conference.

  • Cyberpsychology Members: £130
  • Student / Concession: £150
  • BPS Members: £230
  • Non-Members: £270

Register to attend now

Please note: When booking online, you are leaving the BPS website and will be directed
to Oxford Abstracts. Cyberpsychology Section Annual Conference booking is being
provided by Oxford Abstracts on behalf of BPS.

Both the BPS and Oxford Abstracts terms and conditions and privacy policies will apply.

Conference Ambassador Scheme information

The conference team are recruiting a number of conference ambassadors who will
assist with the running of the conference.

Each ambassador will be expected to do one shift on the welcome and help desk.

Ambassadors will receive a bursary of up to £150 to help cover the costs of attending the BPS Cyberpsychology annual conference (this could be used for the conference registration fee or travel costs).

Conference ambassador roles are open to any students, though priority will be given to
students, or applicants who are within 2 years of completing their PhD, who are going to
be presenting at the conference.

The deadline for applying to the conference ambassador scheme is 01 April 2024.

You can submit your bursary application directly through the Oxford Abstracts platform.

You will be given an option to select if this is a bursary application at the bottom of your
abstract submission form.


This year, the Cyberpsychology Section Annual Conference will be taking place in the John Lennon Art and Design Building at Liverpool John Moores University.  

There are a number of Hotels which are within walking distance from our venue; please see below for suggestions:

Want to speak to one of the team?

Contact us at [email protected].

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